Plasma Benchmark Metabolite Dashboard

Plasma benchmark is a collaboration project between the Chalmers University of Technology, International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in Lyon, France, the University of Eastern Finland, and the University of Turku. This project aims to robustly determine and catalogue the key human plasma metabolites and lipids detectable with typical LC-MS metabolomics approaches and to create a benchmark for a more comprehensive and reproducible way to assess the plasma metabolome in clinical human studies.

We are currently expanding the database and many typical plasma metabolites may still be missing. This is because we require that the signal of the metabolite must be reproducibly detected in the participating laboratories, which use UPLC-QTOF-MS instruments and a method modified from our untargeted metabolomics approach (Klåvus et al. 2020).

Are we missing a metabolite that should be there or interested in collaboration? Please fill in the contact form.